What is proof of stake?

Proof of Stake is a consensus model used by many cryptocurrencies that switches the way it picks the miners or validators that confirm blocks. Instead of letting luck pick those with the largest or fastest computers, proof of stake switches to a random selection process of those that put up a stake to validate future transactions.

What is Proof of Stake? How it works (Animated) + Ethereum 2.0 Upgrade!

What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is an agreement between multiple people who agree that a piece of code will be executed if certain conditions are met.

What are Smart Contracts in Crypto? (4 Examples + Animated)

What is the blockchain trilemma?

The Blockchain Trilemma refers to a widely held belief that decentralized networks can only provide two of three benefits at any given time with respect to decentralization, security, and scalability.

The Blockchain Trilemma Explained - Easy To Understand Explanation of The Blockchain Trilemma

What is an ERC-20 token?

An ERC20 token is a standard used for creating and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

What Crypto Users Need to Know: The ERC20 Standard