Team updates
Research team
- Sten and Moses joins the research team
- Sten is an engineer with a passion for supply chain management, technology and sales and will be joining as market researcher.
- Moses is joining as researcher and on-the-ground team member for our operations in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Informal discussions with pilot high schools and partner universities in Ethiopia and Kenya
- Nairobi, Kenya
- Kenyatta University
- Kagumo High School
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Kotebe Metropolitan University
- Kotebe Metropolitan high school
- Advisory meetings
- One for the World
- Daniela Yamamoto
Tech team
- Begun work on technical specifications for donor side and recipient side applications
- Roadmap for donor side and recipient side proof of concept
- Plutus Pioneers cohort three, two developers currently (week 4)
- Atala PRISM Pioneers cohort one, one completed and one in progress (week 4)
Main Deliverables Completed
Research papers
Donations and development aid for post-secondary education
Ethiopia’s education system