Dear reader,
I hope you are well. It’s been a while since my last update but, as you might’ve seen via LinkedIn or my Instagram (IG@impactfounderjourney), we’ve been busy.
In April, I decided against raising investments. Instead, I focused my efforts on proving that there’s demand for remote technical talent from Africa by further developing and refining our offering.
This is now done.
Q3 2024 highlights
Partnerships / Fundraising
DirectEd education
- Our Bootcamp has been vetted and approved to receive UK TechSkills Gold accreditation "Tech Industry Gold is the only industry accreditation for tech-related education and training."
- 42 graduates of from the Kenyan cohort and 13 (expected) from the Ethiopian cohort. This constitutes a little over 50% graduation rate.
- With the help of cybersecurity expert Anthony Greene, we've begun the R&D of a state-of-the-art cybersecurity program pilot in collaboration with Kenyatta University (MOU signed)
- Co-organised "OxAI Summer MVP Hackathon". We had at least one student represented in each of the top 3 (winning) teams!
Tison Apprenticeships
- Discussions with Bestseller (Danish multinational expanding to Rwanda) and Miljonbemanning (Swedish competence supply, expanding to Ethiopia) for Tison Apprenticeship pilot in Q2 2025.
- 6 paying Tison partners as of Sep 28th
DirectEd Talent Program (Income sharing agreements)
- DirectEd Talent Program designed and rolled out. 17 signed so far.