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Starting Point:

The ability to have smart contract be conditioned upon verifiable credentials would unlock many more use-cases for both technologies.

The ideal approach would be if a smart contract (SC) could behave as a verifier, and the holder of the verifiable credential (VC) could attach the relevant information (i.e. the verifiable credential, or potentially some zero-knowledge proof based on it) in the redeemer of a transaction to the SC. The SC could then verify that credential and use the information in the credential as inputs for the contract logic.

The components that would be required to do this are the following:

  1. SC can verify that the credential claim has been signed by the issuer DID.
  2. SC can verify that the actor submitting the transaction has control over the holder DID.
  3. SC can verify that the credential has not been revoked.

Let’s go through these requirements one at a time and think about feasibility.